About Me

About Me

I am Dr. Martin Thomas, one of the senior members in Tuticorin IMA branch, Tamilnadu, INDIA. I am a medical graduate from CMC, Vellore, India, 1963 batch (missed admission in 1962 ) Did my D.C.H in Madurai  Rajaji Hospital in 1983. I am very much interested in travelling. Earn to live and enjoy must be our motto.I am of opinion that everyone must save a part of his / her earnings to see the world.  I am also of opinion that a travel be must not only a sightseeing one but also be an enjoyable one with jokes, songs and dances by the participants to unwind ourselves to get relief from our routine tensed work schedule. This you can always be assured of in all the tours requested by me. I see to it that the travels are organized by organizations of national or international repute. Or the tour operator must be a well experienced one with the experience gathered during working in such reputed concerns.


This site is not  a travel agency website , where one cannot interact  but an unique one where every visitor can interact with the website giving their articles, uploading photos and videos of your tour experience gained through any tours, not necessarily through trips requested by me alone.  My humble request, to those foreigners who may be visiting this site, is to post your experience too. Also I request those visiting this site to share the website details in your WhatsApp group, if you like this site.  Kindly visit all the pages and give your feedback and suggestions. My heartfelt thanks to Mr. Mahesh Kumar of Sivakasi  (Mob. +91-9894366696 )  who has designed, developed and hosted this website with his 15 years of expertise in this field. Dr. Martin Thomas, Mob:- +91-94433-33214.