Seat preference varies from individual to individual according to one’s need. Airlines sell their premium seats on line and only the left out ones are given during check in at the airport. Mothers with toddlers and oldies prefer the seats just behind the partition across within the plane since they offer more leg room. Aged and disabled persons will prefer the front rows sine it will be easy for them to deplane at the destination. People with diabetes and prostate problems tend to prefer seats near wash room and aisle seats. First time flyers prefer window seats. Aisle seats are preferred by people since they can stretchout  at least one leg and stroll at their will. The disadvantage is that the persons on the inner side in your row will be disturbing you to visit rest room if the flight duration is long.

Now, how to get your preferred seat? Best option is to select it on line. If not, come early to airport to check in,  where you can tell your preference at the counter while getting your boarding pass. When you arrive late for your check in, almost all the preferred seats would have been already taken by those who arrived early. Requesting your fellow passenger might work at times. Finally, as soon as the aircraft’s boarding  door is closed, you may choose the vacant seat of your choice, if any left. Some airline staff make a big fuss but many allow. Happy hunting!!!

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