As soon as you check in the hotel, get the hotel card so that it will be of help to reach hotel in case you are stranded, since the hotel address would have been printed on the reverse side for the taxi drivers to read & locate your hotel.

Keep your money in 3-4 places & not in one place.

Better to keep your passport in the locker  in your room, if available  while going out for sightseeing.

Click photos of your room keys with room number & the vehicle number plates in your mobile, so that you can identify your vehicle from a large parking, especially when you are absent minded like me and when we need to change hotels & vehicles frequently.

Always go in groups, especially at night time.

Better to download Google translate in your mobile when you visit places with unknown language.

Must note down the mobile numbers of your guide & also that of tour manager even if you do not have a mobile.

Keep your hand bag against your chest or under arm pit.

Do not soil the hotels pillow case and towel with the dye from your recently dyed hair. Some hotels slap a fine.

Remember that what all stocked inside the fridge in your rooms are chargeable.

Be careful in bathrooms.  No one likes to have a broken neck of femur while on tour.

See that you don’t spill water outside the bath tub or don’t allow  seepage inside your room while bathing, by placing the bath tub curtain along the inner side of the tub.

Do not pick up quarrel with anyone abroad. Manage any demanding situation with a smile.

Never avoid taking travel insurance.

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